

Welcome to my blog. I’m not as regular as I used to be so if you perchance land on my site, I do hope you enjoy the past travel stories and I hope to start back again someday.

First Italian destination - Milano

First Italian destination - Milano

Stepping out at Centrale and the finding my way to Piazza Cordusio wasn't so hard - simply take the yellow metro line to Duomo and then change. But sadly my friend was waiting there for a while since the minute the train crossed borders from Switzerland, in true Italian style it slowed down and was delayed.

Anyhow I made my way to cordusio and saw him just across the piazza. It was great the French accent almost vanished and replaced with an Italian swing to his English. After exchanging our ciao's I turned and there it was my first view of Italy - the Duomo in Milano in all it's glory. I know there's a fight between Paris and Milano for the gothic kings but here I have to admit Milano's Duomo does win for me.

Apart from this gothic masterpiece that took centuries to complete, there isn't too much to see in Milano since its people are mainly there to work and earn the big bucks so they can shop in style. And boy do I mean style. Via Monte Napoleone is crazy, brands I didn't even know off were there all along the street. I did step into a few just to try on some comfy shoes since my feet were killing me (having left my converse in Zurich I suddenly had a new found respect for comfortable shoes).

The one place I would recommend seeing that wasn't listed in my 'best of Italy' lonely planet is the church for San Maurizo pretty much on the same street as where the last supper is but on the opposite side. It was quite beautiful from the inside right next to an archeological museum full of remains dating back to B.C. era. And of course please book a visit to see the last supper by Da Vinci way in advance if you want to. It was my one disappointment in Milano as I didn't know and it was all booked out.

One day pretty much covered of the small business city for me, a soft gentle start to Italy. At night we had some great pizzas and then a take away cocktail for just €5 which we drank by the Piazza Colonna (or just the coloumns piazza since I'm not sure how to spell it). This piazza is crazy. It's the meeting point for everyone from 18-35 where this sit out in the open and have their drinks with the local 'becks guy' (cause he's always there selling beck) livening up the atmosphere.

With a walk along the only canal in Milano we made our way back for an early start to hit the Mediterranean on Saturday. Our aim was to make it to cinque terre but sadly it ended up being further away than anticipated and we made our piece by visiting Santa Margarita Ligure. A small town along the coast as well and so beautiful. We had a cute lunch by the water and then headed back in the car to another small town for a trek. The trek for sure was more exercise than I've had in the month before coming on my trip but so worth it.

With a reward of a franziskaner at a cute little hole in the wall bar we made our way towards or dinner restaurant, once again a most beautiful view.

After the super long day to the sea we were beat and slept till 10am with the aim of picking up our car at noon. And then we were off on our road trip, first destination - Venice!

The unexpected love - Venice

The unexpected love - Venice

Zurich - last minute addition to the itinerary

Zurich - last minute addition to the itinerary