

Welcome to my blog. I’m not as regular as I used to be so if you perchance land on my site, I do hope you enjoy the past travel stories and I hope to start back again someday.

Zurich - last minute addition to the itinerary

Zurich - last minute addition to the itinerary

For a city that wasn't in my original itinerary it has turned out to be one that I could totally see myself living in. And of course the main reason it was added in, my lovely Swiss friends. With about 6 odd people I know living in the city I just had to fit it in even if it was just for 48 hours.

After weeks of rain Zurich and my lovely friends welcomed me with the shining sun. The first warmest day for Zurich and it was just perfect. The river, the lake, the watch towers, everyone out and about taking in the first sight of summer.

We walked a long way and made the most of the one full day I had there and my beautiful pregnant friend sure had a lot of stamina walking all over and being my personal historical guide with the other one being my drinking buddy come sausage buddy.

Of course this walk was filled with pit stops window shopping to find that perfect Swiss made watch - and after a few looks I so did find one that was just the perfect fit. So I've bought the one thing that is surely Swiss (along with some delicious Lindt which is equally important :).

The evening was simply perfect. We went up to the tallest building in Zurich which have us the perfect view if the entire city which was followed by a quick pre-dinner drink at this most Melbourne like pub space.

At dinner I was greatest by the rest of the ladies and it was simply great to see them after so many months/years. If only Switzerland allowed Aussies to have working holiday visas, I would be here in a heart beat.

It's a beautiful city with beautiful people and have to admit saw much better looking in Zurich than in Paris ;) so another great reason to be coming back. And by the scenery from my train to Milano there is so much more I need to see in Switzerland... I will be back!

And the view of the swiss alps :)

First Italian destination - Milano

First Italian destination - Milano

Chateau de Versailles

Chateau de Versailles