

Welcome to my blog. I’m not as regular as I used to be so if you perchance land on my site, I do hope you enjoy the past travel stories and I hope to start back again someday.

The unexpected love - Venice

The unexpected love - Venice

Arriving at 10pm we were completely exhausted after driving and stopping over at Lago Di Garda for lunch (which despite the rain was beautiful). Even still the minute I stepped out of the central station of Venice I was taken aback by awe. The city in all it's beauty was right in front was welcoming us with its calm waters and there I fell in love with Venice.

It's such a cliche and I completely get that many of you reading this will have reactions of 'oh come on it's Venice' but honestly that's true it is Venice and its popular for a reason. There is some calming beauty about this city of islands that just pulled me in. And even though I wasn't there with a 'boy' I felt the romance building in the air.

We found our cute little B&B with not much difficulty thanks to the perfect directions from Marco of the Ca 'San Vio we found on airbnb. Leaving our bags we stepped straight out for a quick vino along a canal, perfect Chanti Classico to end the long day.

With a relaxed start to the day we were out and about by 10 am, a decent start to cover most of Venice's attractions along the grand canal. Making our way to Saint Marks Basilica we stopped for some quick breakfast and with the line moving quickly we were through in the next hour. The Dukes palace and the only piazza in Venice is quite the site.

Following this we made our way through the small lanes getting lost in the streets and multiple canals which was quite fun and something you must do. Just wander around and find small lanes, shops, cute houses, and then a good pizza, a bottle of Bellini from a local store and we made our way to a dock and sat there for a nice break by the grand canal.

The Rialto bridge is beautiful and pretty much marks the centre of the grand canal. After the break it was time to head back to some touristy churches/museums. The gallery of San Rocco has the most beautify ceiling and just opposite is a small cute museum with replicas of a lot if Da Vinci's contraptions. Thanks to the TV Show Da Vinci's Demons I knew a lot more about him and it was pretty fascinating what this genius thought of..like this scuba outfit!

The museums dose was finished and though there is a lot more you could see in Venice we wanted this city to be a relaxed one and while continuing to walk the streets we found a hidden gem, Bacareto Da Lele, on Campo Del Tolentini, cheapest drinks in Italy along a small stream full of Art students were.

Two drinks later we made our way back towards our lovely B&B, Ca 'San Vio. I grabbed a book and went and sat by the grand canal with the sound of the water and the views I had some fun reading Dan Browns new book Inferno mainly cause it s based in Florence my next destination and was only to be pleasantly disturbed by guys singing on the gondolas as the floated by

Our dinner was perfect right near the Rialto bridge at Al Pasador, we had a fine dining experience which just completed Venice for me.

Next morning with a yummy breakfast in bed we were grudgingly set to leave this beautiful city and look what I found a hotel in my name..now why wasn't I told about this one.

And we were off towards the art capital of Italy as some would call it, Firenze...

Warming up to the city of Artists - Firenze

Warming up to the city of Artists - Firenze

First Italian destination - Milano

First Italian destination - Milano