

Welcome to my blog. I’m not as regular as I used to be so if you perchance land on my site, I do hope you enjoy the past travel stories and I hope to start back again someday.

Barcelona - Gaudi

Barcelona - Gaudi

The name that is synonymous with Barcelona - Antoni Gaudi and today was our day to explore the several places across this city where he has left his mark. Our first destination was the furthest from our hotel - Park  the Palau Güell (Güell palace), the Park Güell. This place used to be free for all however the area with the famous salamander is now closed off and requires an entry ticket. If visiting during summer I highly recommend booking this slot in advance as it was super busy when we got there and sold out.  

Gaudi sure is one of a kind, his architectural style is so unique, he really did believe in fluidity, flow and motion and representing his main passions of religion and nature through his monuments. His attention to detail was so evident, especially when you get to the master piece Sagrada Familia. While walking through the park me and my sister read aloud the 3 to 5 pages dedicated to him and his works in our Spain Lonely Planet and boy did he have a life story, poor health, single and reserved and dedicated completely to his work and religion. 

After the Park we made our way to see Casa Batllo and Casa Mila 'La Pedrera' but since it was my parents last day and we still had to make our way to Sagrada, we didn't go inside these - I guess you gotta leave something to see when you return :) 

Sagrada Familia - ready at the time of our booking we had our first look from the outside standing in line and i have to admit it was a bit of a shock, specially if you look at it from Gaudi's original entrance side. The first adjectives that came to mind were messy and even ugly. Then you get your audio guides and you step closer to the Nativity facade and the details become clear and the thought changes instantly from ugly to wow that would take someone years to complete with that much detail and it did and still is right from the initial proposal back in 1883! 

Once you enter inside, something changes. It's fresh and bright and filled with space and light. The high nave and ceiling, the beautiful spectacular coloured cut glass work gives you sense of calm and piece, the columns that rise to the top look like tree trunks and for a moment i thought i was in a forest right out of a Disney movie, I felt light hearted and free and this is part of this majestic concept for this masterpiece. 

i sure as hell wasn't instantly in love with his style but you do just grow to absolutely love it and Barcelona and its charm owes a lot to this genius artist - Antoni Gaudi and his UNESCO World Heritage listed sites

Barcelona puts on an epic show for us

Barcelona puts on an epic show for us

Barcelona - where the 30th birthday celebrations begin

Barcelona - where the 30th birthday celebrations begin