

Welcome to my blog. I’m not as regular as I used to be so if you perchance land on my site, I do hope you enjoy the past travel stories and I hope to start back again someday.

Heavenly waters - Maldives

Heavenly waters - Maldives

So the new year has started and a month into it I still have no idea how half the time has gone between my last post and this. Things in the last few months have seemed to just happen and there hasn't been a moment to sit back and take it all in. I have to though begin this year with my last year travels. Ending the year with travels and beginning it, must be a sign, since every month from November seems to involve some moving around. Now I'm not complaining but seriously just sitting around and having that time to take it all in would be very nice and so this Saturday afternoon I plan on doing just that.

November 2010 I made my way to the most beautiful Island Nation I have been to, The Maldives. Only about 2 hours from India but a whole 15 hours from Sydney, I managed to land there deep in the middle of the night, alone and had the resort yacht waiting to take me to their island. Complete with every form of luxury, I didn't realise the full expanse of the One and Only Reethi Rah Resort until the morning, though the room, its shire size did give me an insight. But when I woke up the next morning and opened those curtains, the view I saw could not have even be dreamed off.

Our lovely villa right in the middle of the blue waters of the Indian Ocean was the most beautiful thing I had seen till date. Barely being able to resist myself, I got into my swimmers and off I was in the water for my first dip just prior to sunrise and the minute I touched it I knew his was the place anyone who wanted to forget everything should go to, a definite heave on earth feeling overcame me.

Since the rest of my family was only to arrive later that morning, I made full use of the huge bath tub, again overlooking the ocean, bicycle ride to the breakfast restaurant and a peaceful morning fresh juice to go with my eggs. At that moment there was nothing that could upset me in the world.


Receiving my family was doubly great cause of the surprise it held for me, my cousin, who I hadn't had a holiday with in over 5 years did decide to come and her sight just make me realise how much more perfect this holiday was gonna be. For the next 4 days we had on the island all we did was sleep, swim, eat, swim, drink, swim. With a routine breakfast meeting at 10am followed by our regular spot on the beach and afternoon drinks and food after a hearty swim, we were pampered to no extent by my most generous aunt and uncle. If it wasn't for them I would never have known what true luxury means.

One the most memorable moments was when it began to rain on the second day of our visit. The heat was strong and we had all tanned pretty well in a day, and as most Indians and Asians would agree, we aren't big fans of tanning unlike the western world, and so the rain was most welcome by all. Sitting in an infinity pool overlooking the endless ocean and having rain drops fall on you making the pool surface look like it were covered in numerous diamond drops, is a sight that just cannot be captured and only remains in your memory as heavenly. I will never forget that feeling and hope that everyone gets to experience and cherish something like this in their lives.

For anyone who wants a new island to go to or simply a place to forget all your worries, or to feel like you are closer to yourself or just to share some beautiful moments with loved ones, must go there. A private picnic on a deserted island surrounded by some of the most beautiful corals, a private dinner on the sand by the water with sheesha and food that could make any one salvate, and massages that make you feel like a princess, are just some of the things that my lovely aunt and uncle did for us and made us feel like we were the most important people in the world. And so to them I dedicate this post. Love you Yogi Mamu and Radhika Mami for giving me the most beautiful experience of all times.

Beaches, Cocktails and Shopping - Hawaii

Beaches, Cocktails and Shopping - Hawaii

Vibrant Rajasthan

Vibrant Rajasthan